Scoop: extreme weight loss in ABC - Tonight, August 12, 2014
Growing up, Sara was constantly teased shortly. When his weight began to increase, bullying worse. Despite heard a great family and support group with his brothers and friends, has always been difficult. At 26, in a fit of frustration, Sara decided in a convent in the hope to help answer a higher calling, find their place in the world to connect. Unfortunately she was not accepted as a nun, either, and decided to leave after six years.
Sara currently works for the Department of Health Green River District in a program called HANDS (Access Health Care Services Development), where she is a support of the workers and certified trainer status family.
The "LEF" Chris is Sara - her first "little person" - as a customer, and go on a journey that will change his life forever. Neither Chris nor Sara can be physical limitations that prevent you from achieving your goals. In fact, Chris asks Sara, a half marathon (which corresponds to a full marathon for a person normally is) to complete.
Celebrity chef Rocco DiSpirito stops teach you how to be healthier versions of your Tex-Mex to make favorite dishes Sara.
New in Season 4, in addition to working with Chris and Heidi Powell, each participant spends the first 90 days of your weight loss journey on the famous University of Colorado Anschutz Health and Wellness Center (AHWC) in Aurora, CO.
Chris and Heidi, a medical director AHWC Holly Wyatt, MD, Associate Professor of Medicine at the University of Colorado, the participants carry on their journey to safely lose up to half their body weight, revealing an amazing metamorphosis teachers. Health and Wellness Center Anschutz offers some of the most advanced knowledge for research in science and country, focusing on a holistic management approach to loss and weight loss services, including physical activity, nutrition and weight welfare.
"Extreme Weight Loss" is produced by Eyeworks USA .. JD Roth, Todd A. Nelson, Brant Pinvidic Matt Assmus and are executive producers.
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