Discrimination against obesity "does not help weight loss"

Overweight man weighing himself

The people are ashamed obesity can lead to weight gain, not lose, suggests the University College London.

In a study of nearly 3,000 adults over four years now, those who are discriminated against weight reported more weight than those who did not.

Investigators said there was no discrimination testing causes weight gain, but could lead to comfort eating.

He urged health professionals to be more favorable.

Published in the journal Obesity study looked at data from adults aged 50 years normal weight to obese people who took part in the English Longitudinal Study of Aging.

They were asked whether they. Against on a daily basis that you will think, been discriminated connected to your weight

Examples of discrimination include disrespected, received poor service in shops and harassed.

One in 20 reported weight discrimination and in the morbidly obese group of one in three reported discrimination.

Men and women have a similar level of weight discrimination.


During the period of four years, on average, people in all weight groups that they had experienced negative attitude almost 1 kg wondered said - a little over two pounds.

Those who generally lost 0.7 kg.

The researchers say this suggests that the guilt and shame people for being overweight-is counterproductive.

Instead, they say it's better to be positive and encouraging.

Dr. Sarah Jackson, lead author of the study from the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health at UCL, said: "There is no justification for discrimination against people because of their weight.

"Previous studies have shown that people who eat discriminated against relative comfort.

"Answers to the discrimination of stress increase appetite, especially for unhealthy high calorie foods.

"The weight of discrimination has also been shown that people feel less confident about participating in sporting activities, so they tend to avoid it."

The study said that "through widespread weight" had been reported in health care not only in public.

Professor Jane Wardle, director of the Center for Cancer Research UK Health Behaviour at UCL, said weight discrimination was part of the obesity problem - not the solution.

"Everyone, even doctors should stop blaming and shaming people for their support and weight range and, if necessary, treatment."

Discrimination against obesity "does not help weight loss" Discrimination against obesity "does not help weight loss" Reviewed by Mr.Ohsem on 10:30 AM Rating: 5

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