Economic impact of weight change in patients with type 2 diabetes
Published online: 4th September 2014
Kelly Bell MSPhr; Shreekant Parasuraman, PhD; Manan Shah, PhD; Aditya Raju, MS; John Graham, Pharmacy; Lois Lame Rato, PhD; D'Souza and Anna, Ph.D.
Diabetes IPO 2 (DM2) T is the most common form of diabetes, the estimated 90% and 95% of cases in the United States. 1 2012, there will be more than 20 million adults that costs $ 176 billion Be connected 2 diabetes , nearly half go supposedly to treat diabetes-related complications, such as cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, neuropathy, retinopathy, nephropathy and 3.4.
One who is strongly associated with risk factors for type 2 diabetes, is overweight, over 80% of patients with obese type 2 diabetes or obese 5-8 weight gain can lower blood sugar by (are increased insulin resistance). Increase the risk of cardiovascular disease; and affect mental health, body image and the persistence of therapy, which in turn increase the risk of complications associated with diabetes. 8.10 Accordingly, the weight gain, the high costs associated with the treatment affect complications associated with diabetes.
On the contrary, the weight loss is with DM2 benefits such as improving blood sugar control, although studies are connected, reduced cardiovascular risk factors and prevention of disease progression of diabetes complications fell 11-15. Recent reviews have shown that weight loss of a diet and exercise program (average weight loss of almost 5% in 4 years) no cardiovascular events reduced in type 2 diabetic patients, 16 a lot of evidence that positive 11-15. effects therefore, weight control as part of the lifestyle change is an important factor the treatment of T2DM. 17th
Although there is extensive literature on the clinical manifestations of weight change in patients with type 2 diabetes, the evidence of their contribution to the economic burden of type 2 diabetes is relatively low. Preliminary results show that weight loss significantly reduce the costs associated with diabetes. 11,18 In addition, Brandle et al 19 reported that 10 kg / m 2 can increase the body mass index and the presence of complications direct costs with diabetes from 10% to 30% increase.
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