Center weight loss surgery in TV

The Argus: TV APPEARANCE: Surgeon Christopher Pring TV appearance: Surgeon Christopher Pring

A specialized weight loss surgery center will be televised nationally by 19 clock tonight on TV.

Team St Richard's Hospital in Chichester were filmed for a special report on diabetes and gastric bypass surgery.

A film crew from The One Show BBC One spoke with a patient before and after surgery and met with the chief of surgery Christopher Pring.

The show goes new NHS guidelines of the National Institute for Clinical Excellence, surgery is an option for obese patients with type 2 diabetes.

St Richard is the only accredited for excellence in bariatric surgery metabolic center UK.

Mr Pring said: "Bariatric surgery is effective in providing long-term and sustained improvement in life expectancy, better health.

The obesity service 348 admissions in the year to March.

Center weight loss surgery in TV Center weight loss surgery in TV Reviewed by Mr.Ohsem on 10:30 AM Rating: 5

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