To lose weight to feel good? Do not rely on them
How often have ads for diet scene of people who eventually lost the excess weight and are thrilled as seen with his new life? Get thin that as a recipe for happiness looks like! Unfortunately, a new study has suggested that this is not really the case. Not only do people who lose weight, feel happier, they often feel worse than before the weight loss.
Researchers at University College London followed 2,000 British overweight or obesity for a period of four years in order to better understand the connection between physical and mental health. Although those who should have contributed at least 5% of their body weight be happier to lose weight, the results showed that they more likely to suffer depression, in terms of weight loss.
Do not get me wrong - diet and exercise are great ways to be physically healthy. The study also confirmed some truths long believed to weight, blood pressure and the risk of heart disease decreases lose. Researchers seem not trying to encourage everyone to not participate healthy activities. Instead, they are hoping the myth that life is automatically better dissipate after weight loss.
Those who had lost 5% of their weight 78% more likely to suffer from depression than overweight and obese subjects. Without the great tragedies of life and the loss of a loved one, remained depression in people who have lost weight at a rate of 52%, much higher.
While researchers can not say that weight loss causes depression on the basis of their findings, the lead author, believes Dr. Sarah Jackson, that these results are important because they show that weight loss is not the solution, the media frequently. The theory that the stress of keeping the weight is too much for some people to contribute to a downward trend in the mood.
"Resisting the temptation is always unhealthy foods in modern society has a mental toll, and that requires considerable will and can mean, not on fun activities," said Dr. Jackson. "Anyone who has dieted would understand how this could affect the well."
Since the study covers a period of four years, it is the hope that luck would be easier to learn to do after weight maintenance a part of the regular routine, to achieve. However, notice the short term, disappointed that life is not magically better just because someone has a slimmer frame can no longer bother to lose weight than ever.
Anyway, this question is future-deserve, further exploration.
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