Pride of weight loss can cope with anorexia
A new study has found that pride Losing weight can help people in the fight against anorexia.
"What we think is happening is that positive emotions are exaggerated and that maladaptive behaviors reward," author Edward Selby, assistant professor of psychology at Rutgers University study, New Brunswick, NJ, has issued a press release of the university.
Treated for the study, 118 women, 18 to 58 years for anorexia. With negative emotions, women also felt positive after completing their weight loss goals.
The study was published in the July issue of the journal Clinical Psychological Science.
The victim of anorexia often withdraw or exercise to stay obsessively to fit.
"Is to recover With nearly a third of women after treatment, to do, to understand why these positive emotions are so strong with weight loss instead of a healthy combination as the family, school or associates we have relationships," Selby said.
Previous studies in eating disorders have focused on negative emotions such as sadness, anger or lack of control. The researchers added that small attentionhas pay money for this film.
Women in the study had more difficulty recognizing positive emotions show distorted type anorexia behaviors - such as calorie restriction, excessive exercise, use of laxatives, vomiting and frequent controls body fat and weight - more often.
"Women with anorexia are often complex emotional places, so it is important to understand both what they get from this experience," Selby said. "The more we know, not only negative emotions, but also the positive emotions. Having this disease, the best treatment of this devastating disease"
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