6 keys to change the direction: the influencers "Vital Smarts bestseller and" to change something ...
This is the second article on Change Management and Business Transformation.
Why is it so hard for people and companies change?
My neighbor Ron McMillan long recently co-authored two great books instead: Influencers: The New Science of Leading Change, change and more recently something: the new science of personal achievement.
Ron helped found Vital Smarts and he and three colleagues are probably best known for writing historical Bestsellers The New York Times as Crucial and Crucial Conversations responsibility. Ron was not available for an interview available, but his co-author David Maxfield accompanied me for half an hour on the subject of change management for businesses and individuals.
I sat on my cellphone, taking notes in Evernote Roxberry at a table, drinking a green smoothie to lose weight as you hear David.
I had heard that he and his colleagues repeatedly speak every August on these key questions in BYU Education Week
The influential book is already in its second edition and is currently in three categories ranked in the top 20 on Amazon.
Influence emphasizes the importance of leadership for change in others to help.
Any change is change itself.
I asked David, "Why did you change themes Vital Smarts select leadership and change yourself?"
David answered, "Because change management does not work."
"The Standish Group says that 9 out of top 10 major tasks not delivered on time, within budget and to the specifications that have promised."
"On a personal level, more down to earth, we spent $ 2000000000 this year on diets, but 19 of the 20 people lost nothing but money. Stanford studied the Top 3 of the available systems and found them all to work ... if You stay with them., but almost no one does., we can not live up to the commitments we make the changes. "
I said, "Wait, do not the trivial weight loss, I represent that remark Call!" At least I lost 13 pounds in my last adventure overpriced food.
I go, "Well, we'll both directions on how to attack an organization change every day and weight loss, we have entrepreneurs come to us to help them to change their technology, but we do not want to change. Their behavior or culture. They worked their way through the model of the traditional sales for decades. provider you go face to face across the country. competitors, generate leads and web providers inside the phone and they are getting hammered face. throw myself on the one hand and admit in private that they do not have the skills to really change. "
Next: .. "purchase salesforce.com, hire a sales trainer you try to marketing thought about the incomprehensible and brand advertising and start generating leads from the internet, but nobody wants to change not reach representatives to make calls, use the to pursue CRM skills development. they can not get the market to concentrate on the essentials ... son! "
He laughed. "There are two forces at play here These things such as technology, tools and skills are above the water line you can see, but it's not everything ... The cultural norms of what people do under the water line, the internal politics, the things that you need to do to have to get things done. exchange stops when the iceberg hits below the waterline. "
"This is an example," he continues, "hospitals in the United States are trying to get 100% hand hygiene. There are 100,000 deaths per year in the United States alone, because people do not wash their hands enough hospitals We emphasize what we 200% responsibility. mention for you and for all. "
"If you are a lady of window cleaning, washing your hands And it's best to talk to the surgeon who wanted to wash go their hands in the room with the patient, but it is difficult, is very tiring This is before... - speaking culture. rulers not for surgeons, nurses and surgeons to speak for yourself. "
"If you change the can not get standard hand hygiene. Placing posters not. But if you can change one thing, change all other areas of security and control patients cost because you write for the factors of personal, social and environmental factors to change it. "
I joked about my drinking Roxberry and my own crazy cycle of weight loss on a high-stress environment. Next I asked David, "Tell me about these six sources of influence."
He responded enthusiastically: "Before the six sources of influence, you ask two questions: Can I and should be worth it"
He continues: "To immerse yourself in personal motivation and ability when other people to enable or disable all around you, a system of incentives and if your environment is easy to do the right things, or trying to bad things to do. "
In his book "influential people to do three things better than others. They are lighter on the results to be achieved and how to measure. Concentrate to achieve on a few vital behaviors that will help them, these results. Overland Deter Mines you accumulate change six sources of influence both stimulating and vital behavior. "
The influential learns to master to six sources of influence of psychology, social psychology and organization theory:
1 Employee motivation: Help love what they hate. Working to intrinsic reasons, connect the major behaviors.
2 personal capacity: they help do what they can do. Capacity building in order to make the personal behavior through deliberate practice.
3 Social Motivation: give encouragement.
4 Social Capacity: help
5 Structural Motivation: Economy in Transition. Bring sanctions or incentives to encourage people to start or stop vital behaviors.
6 Structure Capacity: change your room. Things as systems, processes, information structures, visual cues, working models, tools, equipment and machines support vital behaviors.
Help The combination of these six sources of influence, change an influential overdetermined.
I ask myself: "So tell me about your latest book, change something."
He said: "We urge you to escape the trap of the will and develop a plan that works perfectly for the theme of You."
He continued: "If people can not change, it is rare because they are not ready, are blind and outnumbered you are blind to all but 1 or 2 of 6 sources of influence ... and there are many more sources. below the water line to work against them, as there are sources that they use. "
"People who see and use the six sources of influence are 10 times more likely to change and change."
"We all know that we have the power, just think through our willpower. Know we need to change. Want to change., But not to change!"
"This calls for a belief that we have the power to change us. Call this agency."
"The numbers that we have as much as we think we do!" I pipe up.
He continues .. "In the book, we cite research showing that 85% of efforts, new behaviors in organizations fail 87% of employees have suffered financially to promote because they have not changed only 1-5 American adults are financially prepared. while only 1 in 10 couples in marriage therapy 90% of people are actually together. obtain, heart bypass surgery are back to the same behavior within 2 years. "
Then the speed is increased, "Four years ago we studied 5,000 people who tried to change. 4,400 failed. 600 were successful. How much more successful were the 600? As I said, they had to change 10 times more likely. Why? They are 6 things. "
The lists, so that the number of them:
- You learn to love what you hate.
- You will learn the necessary skills to do so, it could not.
- Recruit accomplices to help change it.
- Eliminate accomplices to prevent the change.
- Use or lose incentives to help change it.
- They control their space, their environment, to make it easier to change. "
"They focus on the influence of sources 6, 6 levers that can be pulled, instead of constantly pulling of the will."
So I heard: "So where do you want to start and as a leader in the creation of business?"
He answers: "Ask before ... the problem is solved?"
He laughed: "My father always said:" If something is not to be worth doing, and certainly not worth it, good! To build a business case. In the example of the hospital is called a case. Does it make sense? Or, more importantly, what if you do not change? "
"Ay!" I say: "I prefer my best green smoothies!"
David went on and I was like a six sources of influence that could help put them at a size of 40 inches back to be trained. If you have your weight in college, you can click on the expanded version of this article and I'll be happy to share. Perhaps you may even be an accomplice of me! - Ken
I'll leave the rest of the included in his two new books for you adventure. I'm still a fan or dreaming foreign editions.
Author: Ken Krogue | Follow me on Google+
Summary of Articles Ken Forbes Krogue
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