All diets are made, provided that they comply with them, study finds
September 3, 2014 18.19 clock EDT
All diets work, as long as you stay with them, study finds (Photo: Flickr)
All popular weight loss programs always work as you stick with it, a new study has found.
The study found "minimal" differences in popular programs such as Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers and Nutrisystem.
"I think it is a very good and important message. The good news is that they work," said Bradley Johnston, lead author of the study. Issued a press release "The main message is that people do not have to decide about the type of subscription to care."
Key said Johnston is to meet the support and the opportunity to work with any diet program you choose. Plans with the support and movement increase the risk of weight loss, Johnston, who is an assistant professor of clinical epidemiology at Michael G. DeGroote Medical School McMaster University, and the scientific and clinical epidemiologist at the Hospital for Sick Children of Toronto.
"Respect is the key factor," Johnston said. "The basics of weight loss have not changed."
The project includes a comprehensive analysis of 48 studies "brand board" and more than 7,200 overweight and obese adults involved. Study also found that promote little difference in weight loss between the programs diets low in carbohydrates and concentrating on a low fat diet.
After six months of follow-up, the low-carbohydrate diet lost 19 pounds more than those who were not on a diet, while the low-fat diet lost 17 pounds in those of any plan. After 12 months, about two to three pounds of this difference has disappeared, and there was no difference between the diets, which is low in carbohydrates and low in fat.
Diet programs were examined Atkins, Weight Watchers, Zone, Jenny Craig, LEARNING, Nutrisystem, Ornish, volumetric, Rosemary Conley, Slimming World and South Beach.
The study was necessary, says Geoff Ball, associate professor and obesity expert at the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Alberta, who participated in the study.
"Given the popularity of these diets in the world, it was a real lack of research examining their relative merits. Embargo, usually were relatively small differences between the different diets for their effects on weight loss."
The study was published Tuesday in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Funding for the study came from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research and the Public Health Agency of Canada.
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