Losses from the center line of the magazine on demand weight loss

Michael Sick

Tampa Bay Business Journals

Sarasota woman is being sued for writing a negative review of an online business.

Sarah Kessler wrote that they paid the online Biotek Center for weight loss to Sarasota $ 800, but there was not satisfied after the first session, told WFLA. However, when asked for a refund, the company refused.

Kessler then a complaint with the Better Business Bureau. The report was published on the Office site and Biotek now suing both the accreditation and Kessler. The company says Kessler signed a confidentiality agreement promising not to disclose, do not write on these comments and is also compatible with some of what is not true published, WFLA said.

Kessler believes that his right to complain is protected by the Constitution. "It's my freedom of speech under the First Amendment, and that's what there is accreditation for a third party to mediate this dispute," he said.

Losses from the center line of the magazine on demand weight loss Losses from the center line of the magazine on demand weight loss Reviewed by Mr.Ohsem on 6:15 AM Rating: 5

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