Eight toxic event thought weight loss should be avoided

Maintain a healthy lifestyle and weight is for most of us strive for, but not everyone recognizes. According to the Center for Disease Control, more than a third of Americans are obese, which puts them at risk for diabetes, heart disease and some cancers. Maintaining a healthy weight and exercising moderately for a long time can be very difficult. Snack Stress busy lives and our genes, there are many obstacles that we face. Toxic thinking patterns I see in many of my patients. If you are "all or nothing" thinking about the weight on one, have unrealistic expectations or define your own value only in terms of weight, the fear, shame, or obsession that can derail your attempts exchange created behavior over time .

Here are eight "Fallen" common thinking and other weight-related, healthier ways of thinking about issues.

1 "I'm so fat!"

You have your body fat - fat is not what you are. Freeze all his self-esteem its weight is a trap that you are looking for and underestimate overestimate their personal strengths, hard work and contributions makes. Make a decision for yourself and your life is defined in terms of these properties. A collage or write a document that brings the positive aspects of what you are today and where you want to be tomorrow expression.

2 "I have no will to power"

This thought is not true. In Search of the situation in terms of black and white. Everyone will. Can you have a situation where you and have to persevere to achieve their goals to think, although it does not do to lose weight? Willpower is like a muscle and can rusty from lack of use or exhausted trying to do too much. In addition, research shows that the situation and the steps that you are more powerful than any personality factor in determining whether you stick to your plan. So the structure of your life to a healthy lifestyle to support. Plan when you do your exercises. Exercise or run with a friend or a course to increase your chances of sticking with it. Remove all empty and replace them with natural and healthy fruits, vegetables and protein food sources.

3 "I'll never be as fit and as my friend Betsy to trim."

The goal is not to be like someone else. It's about the best you can be. Betsy, a different body type, lifestyle, temperament or circumstances. Some people have a natural preference for the exercise or have a higher energy level. Others have to spend more money on healthy food and gym membership. The research shows that the more educated and wealthy people more sports for recreation. In addition, the outdoor space is you have more green around, is the health of your lifestyle. You can not control all of these factors, but can be a creative problem solver, to find ways to practice healthy eating within your means and body type.

4 "I need to lose weight now!"

Losing weight and keeping it off is not something that can be achieved overnight. There is no magic or shot, the pill weight for you. Starving to eliminate weight quickly is likely to engage in the inevitable rebound effect in which overeating or task lead the entire scheme. It is better to build elements of a healthy lifestyle in stages in order to stay more. If you do not run in a while, you start with 10 minutes a day and building. Through the influence of the media, its weight can be fine, but the image of the body can be affected if you do not see exactly. Be sure to check all weight loss plans with your doctor to ensure that they are necessary and will not hurt your health.

5 "I deserve this cookie jar"

This type of delusional thinking that can get you in trouble. Think, if this voice is really your friend? He acts like he wants to help, but it's really tempting to do something unhealthy. They deserve the opportunity to have their health goals instead of participating in a frenzy of madness that you feel bad after reach and stick to it, what you are promised. "I deserve" thinking can be a sign that your will be exhausted by excessive stress or the demands of work, home, or parenthood. Instead of a cookie, consider how to take a break or have a good time. If you really want to have a cookie, make the decision carefully and slowly to eat and put the rest of the area out of reach.

6 "I'm too stressed to care for a healthy life"

This type of thinking is an approach of "all or nothing" approach to life, you hesitate and actions to solve a problem does not ttake. There is never a perfect time to get healthy and stress is a fact of life. If there is a period of limited duration, which will be in a week or two, it allows you to wait, but set a time when you start your health routine and stick to it. Healthy living is more creative and work with the time you have available funds. You may need to plan to buy and cook healthy on the weekend before work or eating. If stress causes emotional eating, it is important to keep track of your triggers and plan adaptation strategies to address them. What you eat can also affect your stress and energy, which amounts of caffeine and sugar in foods that cause the blood sugar to crash when they disappear.

"I want deceived my 7 PLAN weight loss and give"

So the "all or nothing" think again! This is to derail no rage, but what to do in response to it. In life, failure is part of the journey and may seek opportunities to improve their skills and to create itself. If you get up and immediately back on track, go to the next round all the more for it. So give a little self-pity. Maintaining a healthy diet and exercise is the long term difficult, especially if it. Requirements and obligations role of competition Give yourself credit for the trial and then think if you are really hungry for food or for something less tangible, like the love and support. How do you respond to this need by other means and better deal with the trigger next time to react? You can also ask whether the restriction of food is the best strategy for you because there are alternatives, such as "mindful eating."

8 "If I lose 15 pounds, that my life be different"

It is easy to fall into this way of thinking, especially if you are stuck in a rut, feel bored or lonely. But this is actually an illusion. Unless you are severely overweight, it's not the weight that limits their lives as a way to respond to your weight. Overweight Damage makes you to isolate and avoid situations that may be considered unsightly to. The longer you stay in your own home, the less likely you are to find new activities or rewarding relationships! Losing weight is not going to take all your insecurities or a person otherwise. You can earn a little more edge in the dating game, but the attraction is the result of many factors - not just appearance. And happiness makes you attractive to potential partners and friends. So make the decision to not let your weight hold you back in life and start dating and expand your life today!

About the Author

Melanie Greenberg, Ph.D. is a psychologist in Mill Valley, California, and an expert in social behavior, neuroscience, attention, stress and relationships ..

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Eight toxic event thought weight loss should be avoided Eight toxic event thought weight loss should be avoided Reviewed by Mr.Ohsem on 2:46 AM Rating: 5

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