Non-surgical procedures, FDA-approved weight loss, the fat in Beckley freezes
Cryolypolysis cooling process is by fat controlled temperatures below freezing. In cosmetics and Mountain State Laser Surgery Center in Beckley, is the treatment as "CoolSculpting."
Doctors by freezing hot spots such as the thigh or abdomen "pocket" to find an average 22 percent of the fat layer is reduced. Aesthetic Nurse Linda Rosas said he was the best candidate for the new procedure.
"It's really nice for people who want faster than diet and exercise routine, which can be, start all we need is a bit of a discount for them in the right way. Or you can someone who already has a great diet or exercise routine, but I just can not get rid of this small area, "Rosas said.
No need for needles or skin damage, Health News Digest, most patients can resume their daily activities immediately after treatment.
One patient, who wished to remain anonymous, the cosmetic surgery procedures and laser center Mountain State made three months ago and about his experiences.
"It was a refreshing feeling when the product is applied. Thereafter it was relaxing, it was not painful. Then there was a little tenderness and swelling in this area," said the patient.
He said he returned the same day to work. And after two weeks ...
"I started a big difference in my stomach area, which is where I use my method. Since I finished my treatment, I dropped two sizes to see pants," he said.
The treatment was approved by the Food and Drug Administration in September 2010.
The practice is owned by Dr. A. James Paine, Jr. run
For more information, including prices and book a consultation at:
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