The best way to lose weight: fat or cutting carbs?

© Viktorija and valerie121283 -

Diet can be excused for feeling confused about all the conflicting information from leading experts on the best way to lose weight. It's hard to know what to eat and what not to eat.

Recent research made headlines when he suggested a low fat diet may not be as healthy. Now researchers at Tulane University was the subject of reducing carbohydrates instead of fat to lose weight.

The study, published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, followed a group of subjects who were divided into two groups. Consumes less than 40 grams of digestible carbohydrates per day, while the other uses less than 30% of daily calories from fat.

Both plans worked

It is important that both groups lost weight. But after a year of low-carb group lost an average of 7.7 pounds more than the group with little fat.

The study also found that both diets affect health in different ways. The group that ate more carbohydrates and less fat seen improvements in the levels of certain fats that predict the risk of heart disease by blood.

People on the low carb diet have seen called a significant improvement in the "good" HDL cholesterol and lowers "bad" cholesterol.

Lead author, Dr. Lydia Bazzano is the takeaway that the old belief that low fat diets are better for the heart just does not add up.

"Over the years, the message has always go on low-fat," Bazzano said. "However, we found those with a low carbohydrate diet had significantly estimated 10 years heart disease after six and 12 months a greater risk reduction than the group with low fat."

Atkins Diet

Lose weight by carbohydrates is not exactly a new idea. In 1963, Dr. Robert Atkins cites studies in the Journal of the American Medical Association to develop a weight loss plan based on the control of carbohydrate consumption.

Atkins said nutritious foods while limiting refined carbohydrates alter the metabolism, mainly carbohydrates usually burn burn fat.

But not everyone agrees on the strategy-sur fat carbohydrates, at least not yet. Posted in Nutrition Precision Nutrition Coaching website says Brian St. Pierre, that reducing carbohydrates has a negative side.

"Most of us require a certain amount of carbohydrates to function at our best in the long term," he wrote.

"Of course, we may temporarily reduce carbohydrates when we need to quickly lose weight. Nevertheless, for most of us, keep carbs low for too long can have catastrophic consequences."

You should primarily a measure of carbohydrates, if they work or a busy lifestyle, he says. Carbohydrate restriction in excess can lead to a reduced flow of the gland, the increase cortisol production and the suppression of the immune function, among others.

All carbohydrates are not created equal

The distinction, says San Pedro, between carbohydrates that are processed or refined foods and found in naturally. An orange is a carbohydrate and a piece of chocolate cake. It's hard to understand what is best for you.

As for his study, Bazzano said it is not a green light to grease Gorge. And there is a difference in the difference in carbohydrate presented fat.

While people on the low carb diet have reached 41% of calories from fat, were the most healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats such as olive oil or canola oil. The group has 13% of calories from saturated fats like butter.

"This is not a license to the butter back, but it shows that diets high in fat itself - that are high in good fats - healthy and help you lose weight," said Bazzano.

Counsel; before implementing any change in your diet, regardless of your health that you think is always a good idea to talk to your doctor.

The best way to lose weight: fat or cutting carbs? The best way to lose weight: fat or cutting carbs? Reviewed by Mr.Ohsem on 7:44 PM Rating: 5

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